On the Fringe – Thoughts from the Underground 5.30.15
It’s Saturday and Over the Rhine feels so full of activity. It’s a fun atmosphere down here and I’m excited about how vibrant this year’s festival feels.
Last night I saw the terrific MOUTHY BITCH and HEARD. You can read my reviews – but remember, its just my opinion. Go see for yourself!
Of the shows I’ve seen so far, I’d recommend METH: a love story, HITCHHIKERS MAY BE INMATES, and MOUTHY BITCH. But hey, you won’t know until you try a show if its for you so see as much as you can.
And there’s still plenty to see. Passes are still available – click here for more information about all ticketing options. We’ve got another week yet!
Today I’m seeing SHIRTZENCOCKLE and SHELTER and should have reviews up of them as soon as possible. But now I need to run back to the car to get my media pass. See you around OTR!